Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Book Keeping!

The enthusiasm of our young people is amazing and they are very protective of their tuck shop. The Portland Rocks steering group that runs the CIC took the decision to give them a budget of £20 to buy their first batch of stock and they are now brilliant at coming into the venue and getting set up. If you watched the video in the previous post you will see how quickly one of them moved when she thought someone might be helping themselves even if it was only a joke!

They do keep written notes of what they sell but it is a bit chaotic at the moment so we are now working to rationalise it all. The young people are all students at the Aldridge Academy on Portland and so have a chrome book which they can take home as well. Therefore we helped them set up a cash book in Google docs.which can be shared with myself and our volunteer book keeper so everything can be monitored. If you've never tried Google docs I do recommend it. Like most people I used Microsoft Office for most things but the Docs feature is a very powerful tool for collaborative working and quite intuitive.

We have recruited a parent volunteer who has offered to buy stock for the young people so long as they give him a list of what they need and the money to buy it from a local wholesaler. However, on Monday they told me they still have some stock to sell so looks like they will be arm twisting our attendees to buy things whether they want them or not!

Social enterprise art strand starts on 3rd February with official launch after the February half term so we have started publicising via Twitter and social media.

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